LG launched a new Rs 14,990 smartphone on Wednesday under its popular Q series. Called the LG Q6, the 5.5-inch full HD display smartphone comes with a ‘FullVision Display’ with an 18:9 screen ration. Available in three colour options -- Astro Black, Ice Platinum and Terra Gold-- the phone is exclusively available via Amazon India.
The phone’s ‘FullVision Display’, according to the company, delivers a better viewing experience, its 18:9 screen ratio giving it an almost ‘bezel-less’ look. LG claims that the aspect ratio delivers an “immersive experience” while watching videos, gaming, and browsing. The company is also offering a one-time free screen replacement within six months with the new smartphone.
Another interesting feature of the smartphone is its 3D facial recognition which the company says unlocks the smartphone “more quickly and conveniently”, doing away with the requirement of typing, drawing or fingerprinting - the traditional methods of locking/unlocking the smartphone.
It is worth pointing out here that Samsung also offers a similar Iris scanner on the Galaxy S8-series smartphones. According to rumours, Apple will also be including some level of facial recognition feature in its upcoming iPhones.
LG Q6 Specifications
The smartphone runs on Android 7.1.1 Nougat out-of-the-box and is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 435 processor coupled with 3GB of RAM. It comes with 32GB built-in storage and has a microSD slot for expandable storage.
The Q6 has a 13-megapixel rear camera and a 5-megapixel front-facing wide-angle camera. Connectivity options include dual-SIM, VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.2 and USB Type-B 2.0 among others. It is powered by a 3,000mAh battery.
The LG Q6 will take on the likes of Lenovo K8 Note and Gionee A1 Lite, the two new sub-Rs 15,000 smartphones launched in India today.
The Lenovo K8 Note comes with a 5.5-inch full HD display. It runs on MediaTek Helio X23 deca-core processor along with 3GB/4GB of RAM. It is available in 32GB and 64GB storage options. The main highlight of the Lenovo K8 Note is the dual-camera setup on the back. It has 13-megapixel and 5-megapixel sensors on the back and a 13-megapixel front facing camera. The base model of the Lenovo K8 Note is priced at Rs 12,999 while the top-end model comes for Rs 13,999.
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